Related & Useful Websites

For those not familiar with Community Housing initiatives, including Community Land Trusts, here are some links of particular interest and originality.

Also included are links to the Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan and, importantly, the Bridport Area Housing Needs Assessment.

We conclude with a newspaper article that tells it all.


National Community Land Trust Network, NCLT

The best starting point for those wishing to know more about the fundamentals of community housing, as well as providing a forum for discussion and passing on of experience.  We are NCLTN members.

In our neighbourhood

Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan

Covering housing and other planning aspects, there is a wealth of information about the Bridport Area.

Bridport Area Housing Needs Assessment –

Comprehensive evidence to support the overriding need for genuinely affordable housing in our area.

Symene CLT

This CLT delivered 10 affordable homes in 2015 at Edward’s Close.

Bridport Cohousing

After 11 years in the making, Bridport Cohousing’s 53 affordable homes are now under construction.

Others sites you may find inspiring

We Can Make – Knowle West

Knowle West has the reputation of being Bristol’s Wild West – this interesting project has an excellent approach to community engagement and participation.

St. Ives CLT

A place known for 2nd & Holiday Homes putting pressure on affordability.

Yor Space

Bringing affordable homes to York

Calder Valley CLT

Some superb projects – but also an example at Hebden Bridge of planning frustrations.

Somerset Co-operative CLT

Closer to (our) home with some refreshing ideas.

And this is the sad story that has brought dire unaffordability

UK housing crisis: how did owning a home become unaffordable? –

This is how we have wound up where we are – sadly with housing poverty for so many.